Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cover for GOLD!!

So in case you haven't seen it yet- the cover for GOLD was released this week.

It turned out even better than I imagined it would when I saw the mock-up a few months ago.  Not only does it compliment the cover for SILVER, it fits with the story in so many ways.  The setting is an actual location from the book, and looks exactly as I imagined it. Off in the distance, you can see the ruins of an old castle on the bluff, another feature that figures strongly in the book.  And I love the way Brianna is so much brighter and colorful, a fitting distinction from her near invisibility in SILVER.

And it looks so pretty next to SILVER:


  1. Thanks! I'm super-excited about it.

  2. Just finished Gold.....

    One word:


    One more word:


    Will there be a third Bandia book? You left the ending wide open............
